Tuesday 3 March 2015

Strawberry "Ice Cream"

Strawberry "Ice Cream".

This is a great treat for the kids in summer! Its very simple and you only need two ingredients...



2 frozen bananas
200g fresh strawberries


Pop both ingredients into a high speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth. It will be a soft serve kind of consistency.


I use the Thermomix for this recipe and it takes approximately 40 seconds on speed 4; however, depending on your food processor or blender it may take longer, you may also need to scrap down the bowl occasionally during the process.

Raspberries are another good berry to use, I use the frozen ones for this recipe so it comes out slightly harder. You can make extra and freeze it in portions for another time, it will freeze quite hard so you will need to bring it out of the freezer for 10 or 15 minutes before its required.

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