About Us


Thank you for visiting my blog!

My name is Emma and I live in Country NSW, Australia with my husband and two young children. I am passionate about healthy eating and love to cook with simple natural whole foods.

We are lucky enough to have a brood of chickens that lay fresh eggs daily and also have plenty of space in our garden to grow fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.

I have created this blog so that I can store all of my whole food recipes in the one place; and, be able to share them with my family, friends and other whole food enthusiasts.

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Kids snacking on watermelon fresh from our garden.

What are whole foods

Whole foods are food items with little or no refining or processing; they contain no artificial additives or preservatives; and are considered natural or organic.

Why my family chooses to eat this way

For as long as I can remember I have had to deal with food intolerances; it started off at a young age with an intolerance to dairy and then later I discovered that gluten was also an issue. My two children have both inherited my intolerances so we have been following a "whole food" way of eating for the last few years.

This way of eating seems to work for us, and by not consuming refined sugar or grains, it has definitely helped me to feel the best that I can. I have also seen a vast improvement in not only my children's health but also in their behavior and sleeping patterns.



  1. The blog looks wonderful Em. So glad you started it!! Can't wait to read more xx

  2. Thanks Kat! You have been a great inspiration x
