Sunday 22 February 2015

Chicken Bone Broth

Chicken Bone Broth with Lemon and Turmeric.

This is a staple in our house...

I make a weekly batch of this broth and store it in the fridge and use it in everything I can from soups, sauces, gravy's, home made "pot noodles" and much more!

Not only is it delicious but it also helps to heal leaky gut syndrome, overcome food intolerances, as well as improve joint health and boost our immune system.


2kg of chicken necks
2 large carrots sliced
3 celery sticks sliced
2 onion cut in quarters
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste



Pop everything into a big stock pot and fill with filtered water; mine takes approximately 4 litres of water to fill it almost to the top.

Bring to the boil on the stove top (removing any froth that bubbles to the top) and then simmer for 6-8 hours with the lid on.

I like to stir it every now and again and sometimes even get the masher in there to help break down the necks. Top up with extra water if you need to during this time.

When finished, strain the liquid into a big container and store in the fridge for future use. It should look a bit like jelly once cooled and that is what you want; once heated it will become liquid again.


I like to drink it as pictured above with a dash of lemon and ground turmeric; however you can drink and use it as it is.

It is great for adding to soups and stews in the winter time or adding to any dish requiring liquid or stock all year round.


  1. Great recipe Em! I love to make traditional Greek soup with chicken bone broth, adding in rice and traditional egg-lemon sauce. I think I'll add a pinch of turmeric next time, what a great idea!!! Love the blog - welcome to the blogging world xxx
