Tuesday 31 March 2015

Orange Jellies

Orange Jelly Segments.

These are a great treat for the kids and with just 2 ingredients they are really easy!


4 Oranges
4 tablespoons of grass fed beef gelatin


Cut the oranges in half through the length of the core.

Scoop out the flesh and pop it all through the juicer (keeping the skins for later). If you do not have a juicer you can blitz it in a food processor and then strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or muslin cloth to separate the juice. It makes approximately 1 cup of juice.

Pop the juice into a small saucepan on low heat and sprinkle the gelatin on top, whisk quickly until all of the gelatin has dissolved.

Remove from heat and pour the mixture into 4 of the orange skin "cups". I use a muffin tray to sit the orange "cups" in so the liquid does not spill out.

Place the orange cups into the refrigerator to set; approximately 4 hours.

Once set you can then slice each orange "cup" into 4 segments making a total of 16 segments.

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