Thursday 30 April 2015

Simple Homemade Sauerkraut

Homemade Sauerkraut ready to eat!

This is a really simple and easy way to make sauerkraut at home!

Sauerkraut is a great source of Vitamin C and is full of probiotics which is fabulous for our gut health!


1 medium organic cabbage (Peel off 1 large outer leaf and set aside then finely slice the rest)
1 tablespoon of natural pink Himalayan salt

You will need 1 medium sized glass jar with a wide mouth and a smaller glass jar with a lid that will just fit into the mouth of the medium sized jar. You will also need a piece of muslin cloth and a rubber band. Make sure Jars are sterilized before you begin.


In a large mixing bowl combine both the cabbage and the salt.

Using clean hands massage and mix it all together for at least 10 minutes. This helps to release the water content of the cabbage.

Place all of the mixture into the medium sized jar pressing it down as you go.

Place this jar on top of the cabbage leaf and cut around it; then place the leaf inside the jar on top of the mixture.

Fill the smaller jar with water and pop the lid on; then place this jar inside the larger jar, pushing down on the mixture so that all of the cabbage is submerged in the liquid.

Cover the jars with the muslin cloth then pop the rubber band over the cloth and around the larger jar so that it stays in place.

Pop the Jar into the pantry and leave it for 2 to 4 weeks depending on taste. The longer you leave it the more sour it gets!

You will need to check it every couple of days to make sure that none of the cabbage starts to float above the liquid. If it is not submerged it will start to grow mold and you will not be able to eat it.

You should notice bubbles rising to the top and the sour smell as it ferments.


Check your local Op Shop for jars; they usually have various sizes for as little as 50c or a few dollars.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Coconut Chia Pudding

Coconut Chia Pudding with fresh berries.

My husband loves these Coconut Chia Puddings and likes to take them to work for a healthy snack.

They are also great to send to pre school for the kids!


3 tablespoons of chia seeds
1 tablespoon of honey
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 270ml can of Ayam coconut milk


Mix all ingredients into a bowl until evenly combined.

Pour mixture into your chosen containers and pop into the fridge for at least 1 hour to set.

Top with fresh berries when you are ready serve.


I love them with fresh raspberries but you can mix it up with any fresh fruit you like; mango and passion fruit is another family favorite!

Energy Bites

Energy Bites.

These Energy Bites or Bliss Balls are great to store in the fridge to have when you need a quick energy boost!

I love this recipe but you can mix it up with almost any dried fruit and nuts that you have available in the pantry.


60g almonds
60g cashews
30g sunflower seeds
30g pepitas
90g dried apricots
90g dried dates
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
2 tablespoons of desiccated coconut


Combine all ingredients except for the coconut in a food processor until it is all mixed together well and becomes sticky.

Scoop out the mixture with a teaspoon and roll into small balls.

Roll the balls into a bowl containing the desiccated coconut until the balls are completely covered.

Store in an air tight container in the fridge until required and enjoy!

Homemade Ice Blocks

Strawberry Ice Blocks.

A lovely way to cool off on a hot day!

These are made with pears and strawberries but any kind of fruit would work well.


2 ripe pears
250g of strawberries
1 lemon


Pop all ingredients through the juicer and pour the juice into ice block moulds and freeze. Serve when frozen.


If you do not have a juicer you can peel, core and chop the fruit as needed and blitz in a food processor, then strain the liquid through a nut milk bag or some muslin cloth before pouring into the moulds.

Orange Jellies

Orange Jelly Segments.

These are a great treat for the kids and with just 2 ingredients they are really easy!


4 Oranges
4 tablespoons of grass fed beef gelatin


Cut the oranges in half through the length of the core.

Scoop out the flesh and pop it all through the juicer (keeping the skins for later). If you do not have a juicer you can blitz it in a food processor and then strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or muslin cloth to separate the juice. It makes approximately 1 cup of juice.

Pop the juice into a small saucepan on low heat and sprinkle the gelatin on top, whisk quickly until all of the gelatin has dissolved.

Remove from heat and pour the mixture into 4 of the orange skin "cups". I use a muffin tray to sit the orange "cups" in so the liquid does not spill out.

Place the orange cups into the refrigerator to set; approximately 4 hours.

Once set you can then slice each orange "cup" into 4 segments making a total of 16 segments.

Indulgent Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mousse served with fresh raspberries.

This is a delicious chocolate treat enjoyed as a mousse or simply popped into the freezer to serve as chocolate "ice cream".



2 ripe avocados
1/2 a ripe banana
1/4 cup of honey
1/2 cup of raw organic cacao powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup of filtered water or coconut water


In a food processor mix the avocados and banana together until combined and smooth.

Add the remaining ingredients and mix until well combined and silky smooth.

Pop into bowls or containers and refrigerate for at least 1 hour; or pop into the freezer for an hour (give or take) for a thick fudgy mousse; freeze for longer if you are wanting chocolate "ice cream".

However you decide to serve it, I hope you find it as delicious as we do!


The longer you leave it in the freezer the harder it will become. Sometimes I make a double batch and keep portions in the freezer to use over a few weeks. If doing this you will need to remove the mousse from the freezer approximately 20mins before consuming; it will need to soften a little otherwise it will be too hard to serve.